3.International 21.National Public Health Congress, 3.International 21.National Public Health Congress

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Last modified: 2019-09-11


Introduction and purpose:Vaccination and health literacy is an important issue for public health.The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between parental health literacy level and attitudes and behaviors towards childhood vaccines.

Materials and Methods:The descriptive study was conducted with 279 parents in the 0-12 months age group in the central district of Kırıkkale.In order to determine the sample, the neighborhoods of Kırıkkale were accepted as lots. Nine parents were taken from each lot. In data collection, random route sampling method was used to reach the required number of lots starting from the house closest to the mukhtar. Written permission and ethical committee approval were obtained from the institutions to conduct the research.Data were collected by face to face interview using a descriptive questionnaire and European health literacy scale. Number, percentage, minimum and maximum values, mean, standard deviation and chi-square were used for data analysis.

Results:While 41,2% (n = 115) of the mothers who participated in the study, 43% (n = 120) of the fathers were university graduates, it was determined that about 1/3 of the fathers who did not work more than half of the mothers were civil servants. The mean health literacy score of the parents was 30,57 ± 8,30 according to the European health literacy scale. Overall health literacy level of 62.8% of the parents was found to be insufficient and problem-limited.The difference between parental status of mother and father and health literacy levels were found to be statistically significant (p <0.05). Fathers' problem-limited health literacy level was found to be high.The difference between parents' longest living and health literacy levels was statistically significant (p <0.05). Health literacy deficiency is higher among those who have lived in the village for a long time.It was determined that 98.6% of the parents had their children vaccinated and 96.8% had a vaccination card.The difference between parents' thinking about necessity of vaccination and their opinions about compulsory vaccination programs and their health literacy levels were statistically insignificant (p> 0.05).

Conclusion and Suggestions:It was determined that the health literacy levels of the parents were not related to the vaccination of their children.Training programs can be organized to increase the health literacy levels of village and village residents and fathers.In addition, nurses working in family health centers in neighborhoods where vaccination is not complete can reach the parents and take precautions according to the reasons for not having vaccination.

Key words:Health literacy, vaccine, lot quality technique, public health nursing